10 August 2022

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Have you ever noticed that PhytoFairy would always remind you to seek treatment from a doctor whenever you are feeling sick so that you will be able to get the best treatment in time? However, you might be wondering why we even need to consult a doctor if we have already taken supplements. In this episode, PhytoFairy will be sharing with you why having supplements does not collide with having medical treatments.

A health supplement refers to any product used to supplement a diet and may help to maintain, enhance and improve the health function of the human body. To put it simply, it is to help us regulate our health in which our body may fight against harmful substances, but it is not stated that it will provide us with treatments in any form. Therefore, whenever our body feels discomfort, we are required to seek medical treatment from the doctor as soon as possible.

Under what circumstances do we need health supplements? There are different varieties of health supplements and they are often categorized into targeted and core nutrition. Targeted nutrition is made for regulating health in certain parts of our body, PHHP targeted nutrition includes PhytoFlex, PhytoRespi, Phyto Fiber, PhytoLiv, Imu-Max Colostrum, Ophira Collagen and PhytoShrooms Spora Lingzhi.

Besides targeted nutrition, there is also core nutrition. Core nutrition is to help maintain our overall well-being, such as Phyto Chlorophyll, Phyto Aloe Vera Whole Leaf Concentrate, PhytoNutri and Phyto Greens.

For example, if you are having an unbalanced diet yet a picky eater, PhytoFairy suggests Phyto Greens and PhytoNutri as a combination. This is because Phyto Greens is formulated with 12 types of plant extracts, even though it may provide our body with vitamins and minerals our body needed, we may not be able to acquire sufficient protein intakes, that is why we need PhytoNutri to replenish our need of amino acid and protein.

Did you notice what we just said is all about helping to adjust and regulate our health condition, or replenish the nutrients we are lacking? If our body feels extremely uncomfortable, we should seek medical advice from a doctor.

But, why are we still required to take health supplements? Part of the main reasons is due to the busy schedule, eating habits and lifestyle that might be detrimental to our health. Especially for those who travel a lot, because of the packed schedule and busy timetable, we might not be able to acquire enough rest and therefore it may take a toll on our immune system. If we bring along Imu-Max Colostrum when we are going outstation, we may be able to maintain our immune function through the help of bovine colostrum!

That is the reason why it is not contradictory to have health supplements and medical treatments. It would be great if PhytoFairy has helped to clear your doubts about this subject!