18 January 2023

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Protein is an essential nutrient required by our body as building blocks of our body parts, such as muscle, bone, skin, hair and virtually every other body part or tissue. There are more than 10, 000 different proteins that make us what we are and provide us the energy to get up and go.

Health benefits of protein

Protein is the building blocks of human cells which play an important role in producing enzymes and hormones. Sufficient protein intake keeps our immune system function properly and speeds up recovery from illnesses. Furthermore, protein is vital to growth and development of children as well as seniors to keep the muscle and bone strong.

Low-quality protein

It is important to understand the differences between good and low-quality protein. Processed meats are often preserved or flavored through salting, smoking or curing. Even though it can be a good source of protein but they may increase the risk of high blood pressure and lead to other health problems. Processed meats have been associated with the risk of cancer due to the substances used in meat processing. Examples of low-quality protein are bacon, sausage, ham and canned meat.

High-quality protein

On the other hand, high quality protein is often minimally processed or unprocessed. Fish such as salmon, sardines, and anchovies are not only good sources of protein but they are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. When choosing poultry such as chicken, we are suggested to opt for organic and free-range chicken if possible and remove the skin during consumption. Furthermore, nuts and seeds are rich sources of plant-based protein and high in fiber and unsaturated fats. Tofu and soy products are excellent meatless option too! High quality protein food can make us feel full in longer time to maintain a healthy weight by curbing appetite and supplying extra energy for exercising or executing daily activity.

Introducing PhytoNutri, the alternate option of your protein diet. It is made up of plant-based protein which consists of 21 types of natural beans and grains to help in ensuring sufficient protein intake in our daily diet.

Lastly, PhytoFairy would like to remind our readers that other than making sure of having sufficient protein intake, remember to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and look out for extra ingredients such as carbs and added sugar when choosing your protein sources.