25 August 2021

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Upon looking at the limitless ocean, we can see the blue sky settle on the sea where they blend in perfectly. It always brings peace to our mind with such a scenic view.

The unbounded expanse of the sea offers limitless possibilities and freedom which represents the yearning for a disease-free life. We wish to have energy that will never run out and live a healthful life as what has been hidden in the sea — the great source of life.

Everyone Needs “Green Ocean, Green Health”

“Green” symbolizes hope, harmony and health. The shades of green have a calming effect due to the association with nature which brings out feelings of relaxing and healing.

Try walking on a green field and feel the tranquility of nature with an open arm, take a deep breath and feel the gentle breeze gently sweeping across your skin. These are the rare gems we can hardly find in the busy big cities.

Try to Maintain a Regular Intake of Fruits and Vegetables

Try to maintain a regular intake of fruits and vegetables in your daily meals and feel the changes within your body. These are the changes towards a healthier life.

Try to stay optimistic, a positive mindset is associated with better health. Free yourself from the negative thoughts and always be happy.

This is what it feels like when we are surrounded by the green ocean which is loaded with energy and warmth. It satisfies our physical and mental needs.

Natural Green Element – Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is a natural green pigment that is required for green plants to carry out photosynthesis. During the process, chlorophyll gains energy from sunlight and converts carbon dioxide and water into food.

Chlorophyll is also known as “green blood” or “the blood of plants”. It is a vital element in green plants. Its molecular structure resembles the structure of red blood cells in the human blood. Since ancient times, there has been plenty of medical research proving that chlorophyll is closely related to human health.

Phyto Chlorophyll Brings You Greener Health

Professional R&D team from PHHP has produced Phyto Chlorophyll with natural green extracts from mulberry leaves and Chlorella. Besides that, it is also added with natural peppermint, which gives you a cool and refreshing taste.

Phyto Chlorophyll is a healthy beverage suitable for all family members. It is not only a refreshment on a hot day, but also helps strengthen your body.

What are you waiting for? Greener and healthier life awaits you!